Welcome to software services. Below is a list of products I have worked with in real production environments which would be integrated some way between different processes or platforms. I have given a few give aways on free software which you can have a play around with. Not all free software is as good as paid software, however if your just getting started or want to explore then feel free to download and get started.

Software Software Software !!!

Here are some softwares that could help anyone looking for a simple solution or to have a play around with.

FREE CAD CAM Related Software

Free CAD

Free CAD is a free Open Source 3D CAD designing modeller a little like solidworks. I found this software very good for first timers & for any engineering modelling. https://www.freecadweb.org


Free Open Source modelling & rendering app. Alternative to 3DStudio Max https://www.blender.org

Deep Nest

Free Open Source Nesting software. This is a really good basic nesting optimiser which takes DXF & SVG files. Its very simple and is great to learn nesting. https://deepnest.io

Libre Cad

Libre CAD is an Open Source 2D CAD program. It allows basic 2D geometries to be drawn and supports DXF formats. For basic stuff its all you need, https://librecad.org

Database Related Software


MySQL is the defacto widely used database engine in the world. It is a relational database and can handle huge amounts of data. https://www.mysql.com


MySQL Workbench is a GUI interface for administering your MySQL or MariaDB databases. https://www.mysql.com/products/workbench/


InfluxDB is a time series database which I currently use in my IOT projects as this is the easiest way of collecting and storing lots & lots of data from devices. https://www.influxdata.com/

SQL Lite

SQL Lite is a lightweight local SQL database engine which is used in almost every mobile app, standalone app, PLC’s for historical data. https://www.sqlite.org/


Microsoft MSSQL Express is a powerful database engine and is compatible with all major applications. This is the preferred database engine when integrating with multiple platforms. It is powerful, easy to use & the redundancy features are good. https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/sql-server/sql-server-downloads

Postgre SQL

Another personal favourite. PostgreSQL is a really simple yet powerful relational database which I integrate with other softwares. https://www.postgresql.org

Claris – Formerly FileMaker Pro

This is by far the best application for making apps across your company. The database software is owned by Apple Inc & has been around for decades. The beauty of this software is you can literally create apps on the fly, very very quickly,